Percussion Lessons with Dr. Justin Alexander

Lessons are individually tailored to student goals and aspirations. Lessons are one-on-one and provide the quickest path to technical and musical growth. Instruction is available in 30, 45, and 60-minute time slots and in all areas of percussion.

Space is limited!


Studio Fee (Registration / Recital / Media): $35/semester

Fall Semester: September through December (10 Lessons)
Hour: $650
45-minute: $450
30-minute: $350

Spring Semester: Mid-March through May (10 Lessons)
Hour: $650
45-minute: $450
30-minute: $350

Summer Semester: June through August (10 Lessons)
Hour: $650
45-minute: $450
30-minute: $350

Ala Carte Lessons (1 hour only): $75

Semester Tuition can be paid in full for a 5% discount, or in monthly installments. An additional 20% discount is applied for students registered with the Richmond Symphony Youth Orchestra Program.

What does my Lesson Fee Pay For?

In addition to the time spent with students, your lesson tuition and fee helps cover the cost of running a private music studio. These costs include:

  • Preparation / Follow-up time

  • Instrument purchases and maintenance

  • Sheet music, method books, and other pedagogical materials shared with students

  • Taxes / Insurance

  • Business fees (LLC licensing / website / marketing)

Instrument Rental

  • 3 octave practice marimba - $75 / Month

  • 4.3 octave marimba - $100 / Month